NoSQL – would that be pronounced as “no s-q-l” or “no sequel”? I always flip-flop on my pronunciation of SQL. Moving on! As its name suggests, NoSQL is a database management system that isn’t SQL. While SQL databases are created using tables and can be manipulated by queries, NoSQL databases are not. So, what’s the point of this? If you’re working with A LOT of information and this information is not relational whatsoever, then NoSQL will manage this nicely. Examples include MongoDB and Oracle NoSQL Database. Massive sites like Google and Facebook use this data-storing method.
NoSQL databases can expand as capacity increases. This is referred to as “scaling out”. In this situation with SQL, you would typically obtain larger servers. Therefore, it’s cheaper to go with NoSQL if you expect your data to grow on a massive scale. Because it’s non-relational, it’s easier to make changes to the “data model” without having to put up with crashes.
The biggest issue with NoSQL databases is maintenance. As a newer DBMS (Database Management System), there isn’t as many people who can provide support or experience as there is with a RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). As a result, the transition for businesses and companies from RDBMS to DBMS isn’t so seamless.
NoSQL for “everyday” use? For your average website, definitely not. If you are, however, expecting a website with fast response times, real-time updates, and frequent data insertion, then NoSQL is mostly likely to be your cup of tea. You probably don’t want to put up with SQL’s lack of recursive looping, inactive tables, and performance issues.
I’m not hating on SQL though. As a user, I do appreciate the short and sweet queries and great online support!